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يا من يحلم فقط بمغادرة الجزائر، هل لديك الجرأة كي تجيب؟
aliii كتب :شكرا كثيرا اخي رياض ,شكرا جزيلا علي الاهتمام ,احيي فيك شهامتك و انفتك علي دين الله الحنيف و إخلاصك لجزائر العزة مهما يمكرون من يظنون انهم حكومة و حاكمون ,بل الحكم الا لله و كل الامور له وحده سبحانه و تعالي
Riadh , excuse me to type now with latin's letters , cuz I was using the Arabic letters thanks to the virtual keyboard of google translator as I have no available computer or phone to use it freely! so Only embrace sometimes little moments to use the computer of my son in law! yesterday he finished his year's school so he ll be all the time stuck in front of his computer , and the computer I used to get on it it was for my wife but it broken recently , yet Im talking about this to explain that may I ll not leave here no comment for awhile ,so dont think I refuse to reply opr I just vanished !
Dear Riadh , I agree with all u said about bieng anxious and have so much stress in Algeria , thinking all the day since wake ,think how would be our future in our darling Algeria! It happened to me as I felt it and may still feel it all the time , as u said it could be an Ordeal that case of living in Algeria , but here I see it a clear Ordeal and huge trouble to try adapt or accept to live In this land of desbelief aand failthlessness!
I meant to tell You , I Rather get patient and have deep trust In God Almight there In My homeland . better to tolerate a fake life here In US, I meant , both lives are a mess of troubles and clear ordeal ,so I just think why not back and tolerated my real mesirable life there ,beside my family and between a governement and society all accept natively and by deep hearts ,all show the clear belief and the full faith iN THE ONE GOD, Riadh , my friend , i want to leave to not break more the heart of my wife , now after 2 months here I see that she choose me without my religion ,I accepted here cuz I thought she truly and keenly respect the Islam , now I see that she make DIFFERECE btwn my religion and my love , I know Riadh , I have no clue over her heart , nobody could guid other Unless Allah soubhanhou wa ta3la , my wife read the Qoran ,surely by english cuz she knows only the english, but she said loudly that she even believe the small of the smallest verse in the Qoran, I know her well , she has so stuborn mind over her bible and her christiantiy ,I know I must learn that I have to more and more tender with her and avoid being cruel when discuss the religion's isssue as I dont discuss it often , Now I think I understand well that ''L'3maTon Mou3mina khayron min 3matin Mouchrika wa law 3jbaatkoum'' , I have no doubt that my livelhood and my fuiture here or there ,both are btwen God's hands , I ever have worries about my tomorrow. My Allah is my privder anywhere and whenever Im going, I dont look for material or any stuffs about life ,or think may life here is more modern and attractive or here a high human or high kidness or high Ethic , I told my wife I want from her to live with me in Algeria ,but she refused, I was wrong dear Riadh ,cuz I though the life here is a good choice, Now I have all my thoughts goes the same way that ever the life betwn the disbelievers could be a good choice, I say that with honor and proud , becouse it's ONLY THE ISLAM who move to say that and Allah is My witness , THIS IS MY MIND , my opinion is like that now after I experienced life in US , But i respect hugely and accept fully all the choices of all my Algerians brothers to be here in US , I well what mean the AL ghorba , NOT only becouse of this 2 months here , but cuz of other experiences I already passed through ,but that one is too special and trongly important for me to say eventually No I can't and I Won't live anymore here in America, Im going soon today to the bank ,with my wife we ll try to get my money returned after I opened that banks account and exchanged in it 900 euro , but later after my wife send a check to the USCIS ,these immigration serviuces sent the check to my bank to clear it but the bank returned it twice and charged us and said that cuz it was no enough funds in my account!!! my wife told me that they cheated us and I know well that they cheated us , anyway now after It was in my account 1250 $ ,after so much sillies and complicated stupid bank's accounting , they took from me maybe around 400$ and say we have now only 900$ , so soon I hope I could get any money then hope my wife will help me to get the rest money for buy ticket plane to Algeria, leave my darling wife peacefully .
Giod bless you dear Riadh ,
I'm really sad about you my brotehr, I think I sent you a message in private just read it and if we find some time we can talk
god bless ya

مدونة ابن الجوزي
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الردود في هذا الموضوع
Re: يا من يحلم فقط بمغادرة الجزائر، هل لديك الجرأة كي تجيب؟ - بواسطة riadh - 05-18-2014, 03:27 PM

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