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تأشيرات الهجرة USA
salem alikom ;
تؤمن السفارة الأميركية في الجزائر كافة الخدمات الخاصة بتأشيرات الهجرة. إن قانون الهجرة الأميركي يسمح بإصدار تأشيرات الهجرة في أربع فئات: الأقارب المباشرين , قرابة عائلية , العمل ,وبرنامج تأشيرات الهجرة المتنوعة.
بالإضافة إلى هذه الفئات الأربعة تؤمن السفارة الخدمات التالية: إصدار تأشيرات الهجرة, التأشيرات الخاصة بالخطيب أو الخطيبة
للحصول على معلومات محددة خاصة بخدمات تأشيرات الهجرة,
* يرجى الإتصال بالبريد الإلكتروني على العنوان : <!-- e --><a href="mailto:AlgiersIV@state.gov">AlgiersIV@state.gov</a><!-- e -->
* على الرقم التالى: 0770-08-2240

<!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="مبتسم" /><!-- sSmile --> BONNE CHANCE
Salem Alikom ; Welcome ; Marhaba

بارك الله فيك

wa fika baraka
thank you <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="مبتسم" /><!-- sSmile -->
Salem Alikom ; Welcome ; Marhaba

<!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="مبتسم" /><!-- sSmile --> تأشيرات لغير الهجرة:

* هل أنا بحاجة إلى تأشيرة للسفر إلى الولايات المتحدة؟

إذا كنتم تودون السفر الى الولايات المتحدة بجواز سفر جزائري ، فانكم تحتاجون إلى تأشيرة دخول. إذا كنتم مواطنين
من بلد آخر و تقيمون في الجزائر ، فانكم تحتاجون أيضا إلى تأشيرة للسفر إلى الولايات المتحدة إلا إذا كنتم من المستفيدين من برنامج الإعفاء من التأشيرة. و هذا إذا كنتم :

مواطنين من البلدان التالية : إسبانيا ، أستراليا ، النمسا ، بلجيكا ، بروناي ، جمهورية التشيك ، الدنمارك ، استونيا ، فنلندا ، فرنسا ، ألمانيا ، هنغاريا ، ايسلندا ، ايرلندا ، ايطاليا ، اليابان ، لاتفيا ، ليختنشتاين ، ليتوانيا ، لوكسمبورغ ، مالطا ، موناكو ، هولندا ، نيوزيلندا ، النرويج ، البرتغال ، جمهورية كوريا ، وسان مارينو ، سنغافورة ، سلوفاكيا ، سلوفينيا ، اسبانيا ، السويد ، سويسرا ، أو المملكة المتحدة ؛


Visa Waiver Program Countries

Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Korea, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

The Visa Waiver Program enables nationals of certain countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa. The program was established in 1986 with the objective of promoting better relations with U.S. allies, eliminating unnecessary barriers to travel, stimulating the tourism industry, and permitting the Department of State to focus consular resources in other areas. Not all countries participate in the program and not all citizens of Visa Waiver Program countries are eligible to use the program. Visa Waiver Program travelers are screened prior to admission into the United States, and they are enrolled in the Department of Homeland Security's US-VISIT program.

Nationals of participating Visa Waiver Program countries may use the program if:

The duration of their stay in the United States is 90 days or less and is for the purpose of tourism or business. Please note that all journalists working on assignment in the U.S. must apply for a journalism visa regardless of citizenship.
They present a machine-readable passport (MRP) valid for six months past their expected stay in the U.S.
They have complied with the conditions of previous admissions under the Visa Waiver Program, and have not been found ineligible for a U.S. visa; and
If arriving by sea or air, they are travelling on an approved carrier and have a return trip ticket to any foreign destination other than the U.S. or adjacent islands; or
If arriving by land, they can demonstrate the intent to stay 90 days or less in the U.S. and sufficient funds to support themself in the U.S. during their stay.
Depending on when eligible travelers' passports were issued, other passport requirements will apply:

Machine-readable passports issued before 10/26/2005 - no further requirement
Machine-readable passports issued between 10/26/2005 and 10/25/2006 - digitized photograph on data page or integrated chip with information from the data page
Machine-readable passports issued after 10/25/2006 - integrated chip with information from the data page (e-passport)

Salem Alikom ; Welcome ; Marhaba

Consular Section IV Unit
Embassy of the United States of America
Algiers, Algeria

This office has received a petition entitling you to the K-1/K2 nonimmigrant visa classification as an alien proceeding to the United States to marry an U.S citizen. To prepare for your interview appointment with a consular officer, please read and follow carefully the instructions below.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/">https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/</a><!-- m --> a form DS-160 , FIRST: Fill out on the following link:
SECOND: Obtain the following documents on this check list which pertain to you. Do NOT send them to this office.
Passport: A passport must be valid for travel to the United States and must have at least six months validity beyond the issuance date of the visa. Children may be included in a parent's passport, but if over the age of 16, they must have their own passport.
Birth Certificate: Original birth certificate of each person named in the application is required. Birth records must be presented for unmarried children under age 21, even if they are not applying for a visa at this time.
Unobtainable birth certificates: If an official birth certificate is not obtainable, present the best possible secondary evidence, such as a baptismal certificate, hospital certificate, school records, and/or a notarized affidavit from your parents.
Police Certificates: Each applicant age 16 or over is required to submit a police certificate from the police authorities of each locality where the applicant has resided for six months or more since attaining the age of sixteen. A police certificate must also be obtained from the police authorities of any place where the applicant has been arrested for any reason, regardless of the length of residence. Police certificates from certain countries are considered unobtainable. The consular office will advise you about any particular country.
Court and Prison Records: Persons convicted of a crime must obtain a certified copy of each court record and any prison record, regardless that they may have benefited from an amnesty or pardon.
Military Records: A certified copy of any military record is required.
Photographs: Two (2) color photographs are required. The photographs must be 2”x 2” (5cmx5cm) on glossy paper, unretouched and unmounted, with white background. No head covering or dark glasses should be worn.
Certificate of No Marriage: A single person has to obtain an Original certificate of non marriage.
Termination of Prior Marriage: Applicant and petitioner who have been previously married must obtain evidence of the termination of EACH prior marriage. Evidence must be in the form of original documents issued by a competent authority, or certified copies bearing the appropriate seal or stamp of the issuing authority as a final divorce decree, annulment or death certificate.
Evidence of Support: Evidence of financial support comes from the petitioner, evidence, which will show that you and your children, if any, are not likely to become public charges in the United States. If an affidavit of support is to be submitted, Form 1-134 should be used. and provides his/her last years of income tax returns (Forms W-2 and 1040) and a job letter stating how long he/she has had his/her job and how much money he/she makes annually.
Medical Examination: Arrange for a medical examination with the physician listed on the attached information sheet. You are responsible for the cost of the examination. A medical examination is also required for each child who will accompany you.
- For applicants 15 years of age and over, including a chest radiograph, the fee will not exceed 9500AD
- The fee for applicants under 15 years of age will not exceed 1800 AD.

Evidence of Relationship: You may be asked to submit proof of a valid fiancé/fiancée relationship with your petitioner. It is useful to bring with you letters, photographs, or other evidence of your engagement.
Translation: All documents not in English, may be accompanied by a certified English translation.
Visa Fee: The application for nonimmigrant visa is U.S. $240, or the local currency equivalent
Each applicant must be prepared to pay this fee on the appointment date,
THIRD: As soon as you have obtained all of the documents that applies to your case,
1. Visit <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ustraveldocs.com/dz">http://www.ustraveldocs.com/dz</a><!-- m --> to begin the process.
2. Create a profile in the online system, then fully complete and submit the DS-160 application form.
3. Schedule a visa interview at the U.S. Embassy.
4. Attend your interview at the time you selected, making sure to bring the DS-160 and all supporting documents that apply to your case, as well as the appropriate fee for your visa type.
5. If your visa is approved following your interview, your passport will be delivered to the location that you designated upon scheduling your interview at no additional cost to you.

Call Center representatives will be available to answer questions regarding the new system . The Call Center phone number is 983 2000 20 and can be reached seven days a week between 07:00 and 19:00.
Salem Alikom ; Welcome ; Marhaba




Les lois d’Immigration des Etats-Unis exigent que toute personne faisant une demande de visa d’immigration passe une visite médicale, afin que son éligibilité à recevoir un tel visa puisse être déterminé. En conséquence, avant de se présenter à l’Ambassade pour l’entrevue finale, les intéressés doivent prendre eux-mêmes toutes dispositions pour passer une visite médicale, celle-ci étant à leurs frais.

Afin que l’examen soit fait d’une manière correcte et uniforme, l’Ambassade a désigné et approuvé les médecins dont les noms suivent:

Dr. Sana Driouche
Al Azhar Clinique
4, Djenane Achabou
Dely-Ibrahim, Alger 16020

Dr. Mohamed Bouzfour
Al Azhar Clinique
4, Djenane Achabou
Dely-Ibrahim, Alger 16020

Pour prendre rendez vous avec les médecins, vous devez contacter la clinique Al Azhar du Dimanche au Jeudi de 9:00 am à 16 :00 pm aux numéros de téléphones suivant :

Tel : 213 (0) 21-919-861
Tel : 213 (0) 21-918-353 / 54 / 55 / 56
Tel : 213 (0) 56- 095-8000 / 7000
Tel : 213 (0) 56-008-7870

L’Ambassade n’acceptera pas de certificats médicaux complétés par des praticiens autres que ceux indiqués ci-dessus. Les immigrants devront donc choisir l’un de ces médecins et prendre toutes dispositions avec lui pour passer la visite médicale prescrite.

Les 4 formulaires de la visite médicale : Form DS-2053, (Medical Examination for Immigrant or Refugee Applicant), Form DS-3024, (Chest X-ray and Classification Worksheet), Form DS-3025, (Vaccination Documentation Worksheet), Form DS-3026, (Medical History and Physical Examination Worksheet) sont disponible chez les médecins désignés
L’immigrant devra également présenter au médecin son passeport pour identification et 2 photographies d’identité et aussi le carnet de vaccination. A la fin de la visite médicale, le praticien placera les formulaires complétés dans l’enveloppe qu’il cachettera, et remettra à l’Ambassade.
Le service consulaire refusera d’accepter les conclusions d’un examen médical si le certificat est complété et signé par un autre médecin que l’un de ceux désignés ci-dessus.
L’examen médical comprendra l’étude de la radiographie des poumons et l’analyse sérologique du sang. Le film de la radiographie dans son enveloppe et l’analyse devant être remis à l’Ambassade en même temps que l’enveloppe cachetée contenant les certificats médicaux complétés.

NOTE: La radiographie des poumons n’est pas requise pour les enfants ayant 14 ans ou moins, l’analyse sérologique ne sera pas requise pour les enfants ayant 14 ans ou moins sauf si le médecin a des raisons de soupçonner que l’enfant soit atteint de tuberculose ou de syphilis.

Salem Alikom ; Welcome ; Marhaba

Merci <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="رايق" /><!-- s8-) -->
السلام عليكم

بارك الله فيك اخي

شكرا لك و لكن هل من طريقة أخرى للحصول على البطاقة

شكرا لك لكن حبذا لو تضعي مشاركاتك بالعربية لانه هناك من لا يستطيع فهم الانجليزية و بارك الله فيك

المواضيع المحتمل أن تكون متشابهة .
الموضوع : الكاتب الردود : المشاهدات : آخر رد
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